Amazing Body Transformation

Sooooo, I wanted to post this to show a bit of perspective guys!! Here are three wildly different images of my body and they tell a story!
In the first pic I was around a size 16, unfit, unhealthy and most importantly- regardless of my grin- I was unhappy.
In the second image I’d slimmed down with the help of my fitness dvd- I was a size 6 with no boobs and pretty much no life. I became obsessed, too focused and this in turn was also detrimental to my health. I wasn’t enjoying the amazing gift of life as I was too worried about the calorie content of a blueberry!
In the third pic, I am around a size 10, all boobs, bum and zero apology! I train hard, I eat right about 80% of the time but my life doesn’t revolve around what the scales say! I listen to my body- and when it says it wants a gin and tonic… I GIVE IT ONE!!! 🍸 I am a strong, healthy, realistic woman with a good balance of work and home life. I am in short, HAPPY. And that’s what I wanted you to know.
Don’t allow your happiness to completely hinge on what the scales say! Be happy because you’re alive, see exercise as a celebration of what your body can do not a punishment for what you’ve ate, use food as fuel not a means to curb boredom and most importantly: eat the cake once in a while… because life is for living and cake is great.

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