Live for your dreams


Fears in life are what keep us from trying new things and going after our dreams.

You fail from not trying, not from trying and not succeeding.

These “attempts” at new things are some of the best growing experiences we can have in our life.

In order for each of us to reach our goals we must go after our dreams.

It is difficult at times to keep trying over and over again without seeing any results…trust me I get it.

It is much easier to just feel defeated, to settle for less because we think there is nothing more.

We believe a lie that there is nothing bigger.

That right there is the fear in us speaking.

When we think something might cause pain or is a threat to us we are experiencing fear.

Many of us are experiencing fear without even being conscious of it.

Do you ever look back on your life and wish you had done “it” but didn’t?

Live for your dreams.

Know your fears and be BOLD in moving forward.

Find new ways to come to terms with your fears… FACE them over and over again.

Do NOT listen to your fears!

Learn your fears so you know EXACTLY how to CONQUER them!

Keep doing it so that you have no “WHAT IF I HAD DONE THIS” in life, only “I HAVE DONE IT.”

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