This last week I had a kind of awkward and unsettling interaction with a stranger. I was talking to a man and he mentioned how he was watching his weight. I told him that I understood what that was like and told him about how much weight I had lost. He said “No Way!” He was blown away in disbelief. I offered to show him a before picture and he immediately replied back with “No, I don’t want to see you like that.” It’s crazy how that comment made me feel so gross inside. He looked at my face and saw how shocked I was. I told him it’s cool to see where someone has come from because it’s not everyday you meet someone who has lost significant weight. He then tried to back peddle and kindly explain how he didn’t want to see me when I looked so “unattractive.” The whole interaction struck a nerve with me. I thought about how a comment like that would’ve crushed the former me. Comments and hate like that are the type of thing that used to make me hate even trying to change. The thought that someone only sees you as a larger person and can’t see any value in you besides your appearance. I’m glad I changed. I’m glad I made it to where I am now. I’m glad I was able to fight past all the negative comments and interactions obese people deal with. If you’re struggling out there tonight or are trying to change PLEASE don’t let ignorant or hurtful comments keep you from your healthy future. People are always going to say the wrong thing or be ignorant. You have to fight past that to get to your best self. You’ve got this. I’m cheering you guys on. Let’s crush this week and show haters where they can go. 👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽👉🏽 I love you guys