“In the last nine months, I have gone from a binge drinker to a calorie counter to a weightlifter, all while emotionally recovering from an abusive relationship.” Now that is inspiring! If she can accomplish all of that, none of us have any excuse to not go after our goals.
Weight-loss including loose skin
“So I lost 295 pounds in the last decade…pics or it didn’t happen.” Not only is he motivating through the pictures he posted, but he is also providing advice in the comment section. He speaks about the journey to losing weight and the after-effects of weight-loss including loose skin.
Before and after photo of him and his wife
Before and after photo of him and his wife and wrote, “I’m 55 years old, and I weigh 105 pounds less than I did last year. My wife lost 61 pounds. There are no tricks to this, we just are better and exercised.” Those are words to live by, tbh.
Talk about body transformation
This champ conquered anorexia, regained the weight that she had lost, and built the perfect body. She is the real-life wonder woman and she looks about as strong as Diana Prince as well. Just goes to show that hard work and a determined outlook can go a long way. Talk about body transformation!
Now that is impressive
“I’ve lost over 160 pounds since 2014, and I am running in my third ultramarathon in 23 days.” In case you are wondering, an ultramarathon (also called ultra distance or ultra running), is any race over the traditional marathon length of 26.2 miles. Now that is impressive!
Inspiring photo of my girlfriend
“I just wanted to share this inspiring photo of my girlfriend who has been overweight her entire life until she finally decided to make a change. She lost 45kg.” It’s sweet that her boyfriend is proud of her and decided to share this picture with the world.
Lose weight together
dustofoblivion123 shared a photo of two friends who made a commitment to lose weight together. Here they are after the transformation. To be clear, having a certain body type doesn’t make you better or happier. The main point to take away is that they set a goal for themselves and accomplished it. That is something we can all cheer for.
Calorie Count
IAMATruckerAMA asked how she kept track of her calorie count, she answered, “I used the Fitbit app to track calories and exercised religiously for the first three months…It just kinda became a habit.” She continues, “Now, I’m to the point where it feels good to exercise and I naturally feel fuller faster.”
Woman Loses Over 400 Pounds In One Year – Looks Like A Completely Different Person
Many of us tend to have struggles with our weight. When we do not like what we see when we look in the mirror, this leads to a great deal of stress and unhappiness. While many of us have relatively minor struggles with our weight, there are others who find it difficult to control their eating. There are also those who struggle to keep their weight down for legitimate medical reasons.
Amber’s battle of the bulge had become essentially insurmountable. She had reached a weight of 660 pounds and she was only 24 years old. Amber is an emotional eater by nature and she was enabled by her parents and boyfriend. She would consume large meals several times each day and she has since admitted that she was eating as a means of comforting her own anxieties.
Gaining this amount of weight this rapidly took a major toll on the young woman’s body. Her legs became severely swollen, making it difficult for her to walk for extended distances. She decided to drop out of college. From there, it did not take long for Amber to become a bit of a recluse. The isolation only served to make her anxiety even worse.
According to Amber, her weight progressed to a point where she no longer felt full. Even after consuming a sizable meal, she would still feel hunger pangs. Amber knew that she could not continue to live her life in such an unhealthy manner. She decided to visit a gastric bypass surgeon to find out more about the options that were available to her.
The doctor was quick to let her know that he was not willing to perform surgery until Amber proved that she could take the initiative to lose weight on her own. He told her to return to his offices once she had lost 22 pounds without his assistance. She was forced to unlearn all of her bad habits and change her ways for good if she wanted to live.
The results have been absolutely tremendous. She finally shed the necessary weight and was able to receive a much needed gastric bypass procedure. The pounds have started to melt away at an astonishing pace. She dropped 267 pounds in a year and while she has yet to reach her goal weight, she is well on her way.
These People Started Transforming Their Bodies In 8 Weeks
Has the holiday season started packing some extra pounds on your body already? Starting to feel a little bit like a stuffed turkey yourself? Have no fear, for these 5 men and women have discovered a great way to start shedding excess fat just in time for the holidays.
The program they’re involved in is called the HIIT program, which stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. Born out of Australia, many people have taken to starting these intense cardio workouts in their own cities. Known also as CrossFit, these programs toss you into a very high-intensity workout, often 45 minutes in duration. People are seen lifting tractor tires, pulling heavy objects with ropes, and doing every manner of lunging that you can think of.
For Alicia Walker, she entered a specific HIIT program called the F45 Eight Week Challenge and managed to shred 26 pounds—almost 9% of her total body fat in just 8 weeks. How is this possible you might ask? Each day of the 8-week program involves a very strict meal plan, and while sticking to this plan, every member in the challenge must also perform 45 minutes of high-intensity interval training each and every day. For all 5 men and women who entered the program, they saw huge results. For Alicia Walker, she ended up being the winner of the program.
Alicia managed to shred 11.1 kilograms (That’s 26 pounds off her body) with her HIIT program. According to Alicia, she was not happy with how she was feeling before she started the program.
Alicia saw the HIIT program F45 Eight Week Challenge and decided to sign up. That same Sunday she went out to the store and purchased everything she needed to begin her meal prep.
Alicia was drinking up to 7 coffees a day, drinking alcohol and eating burgers on the weekends. She was also studying and working full time. When she cut back on her exercise to focus on her studies and an overseas trip, that’s when Alicia started to see a large gain in her weight, and a feeling of lethargy. She immediately started the rigorous meal prep involved in the 8-week program.
Although the grocery bill was large, Alicia says she ended up saving money in the long run when it came to prepping all of her meals. The first week of her program was very challenging as Alicia says her body was in full detox mode from the lack of coffee and the headaches she had made it challenging to work out. By the end of the second week of the program, Alicia says she felt incredible.
With Alicia’s new meal plan and diet, she saw that her new diet and cutting out coffee had her energy levels skyrocket. She also saw that her diet gave her much clearer skin than she ever had.
Here Alicia can be seen in the middle between her two friends who convinced her to sign up for the Eight Week HIIT program.
Alicia’s grueling schedule began at 4:30 AM when she woke up to start her HIIT program before heading to work at a nursing home until 2:00 PM, then from 3:00 PM to 10 PM she would work on her studies.
The male winner of the Eight Week Body Transformation Challenge was Matt Amos, who lost nearly 21 pounds and 8.2% of his body fat.
Another contestant, Justin Anderson, lost 23 pounds and 7.6% of his body fat using the HIIT program!
To anyone looking to follow in Alicia’s footsteps, she says that proper nutrition paired with staying active is the key to feeling healthier. This contestant, Maria Ross, lost 26 pounds, and a whopping 11.3% of her body fat!
The program is focused on detoxing the body from its pollutants and eliminating any sugar cravings during the first two weeks. After that, the rest of the time is spent sculpting the body after reducing water tension. Fran Hales lost 22 pounds and 10.% of her body fat to transform into a healthier person.
The typical meal plan for this program, although strict, is designed to help the body feel fewer cravings while giving the nourishment needed to transform your lifestyle completely. The best way to eliminate any unhealthy feelings is to stay fit and eat properly.