I want to talk about FEAR

I want to talk about FEAR.

Fear can be completely debilitating, and prevents so many of us from ever even trying.

When I started this journey for the 100th time, I was terrified. The THOUGHT of starting…again…and trying…again…and *possibly* not succeeding made me want to quit.

We have to take the fear of failure off the table. You know what I fear? Regret.

You are going to mess this whole thing up. A lot. But the KEY to success at anything is to press on anyways.

You have to DECIDE that no matter how many times you fall, you can and you WILL dust yourself off and try again.

You have to EXPECT failure, not fear it.

You literally cannot fail at anything if you LEARN. This is not win-or-lose. This is win-or-LEARN.

Tell those voices of fear to GET OUTTA HERE!!!! And replace them with voices of truth:
-You are beautiful for who you are now.
-You are beautiful for who you are becoming.
-You are worthy.
-You are stronger than you know.
-You CAN do this.

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