Mental Health Awareness

Sometimes you have to lose everything to gain everything. Certain things have to end, in order for better things to begin .. Your life is never over because you can always create a brand new beginning…💧EVERYONE IS BORN TO BE GREAT 🙏🏽

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Its Never Too Late

”Whatever phase of dieting that we are in, we do together. We bulk together, we cut together, we maintain together, we compete together. We know that we perform and adhere to our training and nutrition BEST when we have each other to lean on and empathize with. Having a partner who knows exactly what you’re going through, who can help you, and you can offer help to, is incredible. I’m extremely grateful to go through every stage of life, not just in the physical aspect, with you. ♥️

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my Doctors told me I wouldn’t be around much longer..

I feel better today at the age of 40 then I ever have. My girlfriend looks and feels amazing at the age of 49. It’s really never to late to turn your life and or health around. –

Just remember that life can always be worse. Be thankful for what you have and make someone smile today. LIVE your life ONE day and ONE meal at a time. IT WORKS. You’ll feel better. I promise. – –

12 years ago I decided to get healthy because my Doctors told me I wouldn’t be around much longer if I didn’t make a change. 200lbs down still and I couldn’t be happier/healthier. It’s never too late to change your health. Do you want to be a different & healthier version of yourself?

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Love Your Body

LOVE YOUR BODY!!! 🏆But how?? 🤷🏼‍♀️
I’ll be honest here….
-💖Hearing someone tell me to love myself doesn’t make me love myself any more than I already do. –
-💖Reading a caption about somebody’s insecurities doesn’t make mine go away. –
-💖Listening to somebody tell me “it’s gonna be ok” doesn’t make things “ok”. –
-🔴While I’m on board with all of the positive self talk, and I encourage it, sometimes it’s just NOT THAT SIMPLE! –
-💙For years, I picked myself apart in front of the mirror. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. I’d venture to say: It takes a heck of a lot of strength and confidence for a woman to stand in front of a mirror and genuinely say to herself “I love my body just the way it is RIGHT NOW, and there’s nothing I’d ever want to change”🤔. Well guess what? That’s ok! we’re human, we don’t conform, we tend to overthink! Here’s what really needs to change: our FOCUS! it’s not about our shape, weight, or muscle mass, it’s about how we PERCEIVE ourselves and how much we let our imperfections AFFECT us! 💖 I had a major transformation and I can’t even really show it to you guys! It’s not physical, it’s mental. I don’t even know when or how it happened, but it happened! I first started to exercise because I wanted to “lose weight”. Right now, I don’t work out because I’m trying to make my body “perfect”(whatever that means…). I’m not trying to prove a point, compete, or show off my “progress”. I can honestly tell you I work out because I LOVE IT! I feed off of the strength, adrenaline, and endorphins! It gives me joy!
⭐️My point: if you want to exercise, do it for your health and that feeling! Don’t “just” do it to alter your shape! That’s a slippery slope and a nasty mind game. I realize it’s 100% easier said than done, but I will forever preach this: Yes, learn to love your body! but first and utmost: pay attention to your HEALTH, both mental and physical! THAT’s something that can’t be photographed, but you’ll carry it with you every day ❤

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150 Day Transformation

You don’t always get what you wish for in life.

But you do always get what you work for in life.

Let me repeat that!


You have to have that fire.

You have to have that passion inside.

You have to be willing to get off the couch and work for it..

Because if you don’t you will be stuck exactly where you are right now.

This before and after photo is because I decided to get off my butt and Do The Work.

You can too!

Life is that simple, you get what you work for!

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Normas transformation

My name is Norma! ☺️ This transformation picture is of me and my best friend and we lost a combined total of 155 pounds! That’s an entire human!! 👀 We’re still on our journeys but now we’re focusing on gaining muscle. 💪

I want you all to know that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. If you’re serious about changing your life, you’ll find a way. If you’re not, you’ll find an excuse! I’m dedicating my Instagram to inspiring and motivating those who are on fitness journeys! I know what it feels like to be over weight. I know the struggle. All I want to do is help others reach their goals because that’s truly the most fulfilling thing for me. Follow me for motivation/weight loss and fitness tips. I got you. ❤️ @normalife__

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Body shaming, there is absolutely no reason to body shame anyone

Meet xo_kaitttt – Ignore the awkward face in the second picture…BUT I’ve taking about a week off from Instagram because of some of things that I was seeing on here. I’m back though! I realized somethings I just can’t change or control so why should I let it hold me back? Body shaming, there is absolutely no reason to body shame anyone. It doesn’t matter if someone is 120 pounds or 414 pounds. There is no reason that could ever justify making fun of someone. So keep on keeping on, and never let a single person or comment stop you! This is your life, your journey, and you should be proud of yourself! ❤️

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Mini Hulk Transformation

Sometimes it is impossible to know where you you are headed without reflecting where you came from. Understand your heritage, your roots and your ancestry is an important part of carving out your future.”
God has a plan for all of us. He gave me dwarfism for a reason. To inspire and help others that are in need.
Everyday is a gift, never a guarantee. Live everyday to the fullest because tomorrow may be too late. Hug your loved often and remind them how much you love them.
My childhood was not easy. I have had 15 surgeries in my life and I grew up having to use oxygen, a back brace, and a walker.
I was not able to walk until about the age of 3.
#mylittlelife will show a lot of this.
Thank God for everyday he gives you and be the best that you can be.
I am now a firefighter, a body builder, a trainer, a motivational speaker and I am on tlc with the show My Little alive.
Believe and never give up.
If you ever need help or advice, I am always here listening and ready to help whoever I can. .

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Meet sadssliming 267.4 lbs to 201 lbs

Meet sadssliming – I was going to wait for onederland… but I just can’t contain my excitement:) On the left of each picture… it was 12/13/17 and I weighed in at 267.4lbs
On the right… it is 04/18/18 and I weighed in at exactly 201 lbs
I’ve been feeling really stressed with finals coming up and how much I have going on… I haven’t been in the gym for an entire week. But this… this makes sticking to every meal and calorie worth any stress. This progress is what motivates me to keep going. I love that I am doing this. I love that I know I will never be that girl on the left again. I love that I feel sexy and comfortable. I love that I am more confident, happy, and positive.
67.2 down, 32.8 to go to reach -100!!! (But that’s not the end).

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Body Transformation after pregnancy

Honest: after my pregnancy, having to re-lose some of the weight that I had worked so hard to lose and keep off could have been discouraging, if I had let it.
Also honest: it’s been a bit fun being in “active weight loss” mode and watching my body change again! It’s crazy what our bodies can do when we give them the attention, time and consistency they need and deserve! I’m not finished yet but I’m well on my way! 💪

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